August 2024
Hello, Friends,
Been a hot summer here inNorCal. We are on fire watch through October. So far – so good.
Had a great time last month in Iola, WI at their car show with Stan Livingston and the gang from Happy Days. Check us out. We’re looking pretty good for a bunch of seniors:

Next stop Wheaton, IL for their All-Night Flea Market in August. And I’ll be back in WI in November – Greenbay – for the Greenbay Crafts Show. In between is a very special celebration with the Kids of Desilu Studios near Palm Springs. Click on my Appearance Page for all the details.
And the great reviews for my new pet product, Spray, Mix ‘N Go! are outstanding. We are so excited about it and I get chills every time someone writes to tell us how much it has helped their dogs and cats to remain calm and relaxed when they are separated from their owners or other stressful situations like: car rides, seeing the vet or groomer, fireworks and thunderstorms and more. Read all about it and read the reviews at

A longer, revised edition of my autobiography is out: Timmy’s in the Well. Write me at for a signed copy! Enjoy the rest of your summer!
All my best wishes,
- Jon